Shake it up...Spirituality Speaking

Every one of us leaves school and makes our way into the world to try to find our place. Some people want to make as much money as they can and some people will want to try and change the World. There seems to be an immense amount of pressure, especially on youngsters to find what they were supposedly born to do and to fit into societies little box. A small fraction of the population do a job that they actually really like and some can deal better with that than others. Depression rates in the Western World are extremely high precisely due to the way we have been led to believe the world works in my opinion. I have been able to alleviate the pressure on myself over the years through something I would like to encourage in this post. Now, in no way am I claiming I have found the meaning of life but I would like to share something that has helped me overcome some tough problems and helped me to deal with some stressful scenarios so far in my 25 years on this planet.

I am in no way religious and in fact I actually don't think I have ever been in a church in my whole life for a service. I think religion has a lot to answer for in the world but I also feel that if you are a religious person and religion has made you a better human being then great carry on as long as you don't force it on anyone. I personally can see why people have religion, it is a big comfort in many ways to them and they feel they have an answer to why we are here. However, I don't think it even matters why we exist and so don't get caught up on the fact you need to find your place in life, I mean we are all made of stars for one and when we die we will become part of the universe and it will continue to exist for a long, long time. I think people watch things on TV that seems to encourage the only mentality that having possessions in life in comparison to someone else or some other family is the only way you can be happy. I mean the world is a business so please don't confuse those messages for in any way a true representation of life. I say look deep into yourself and there is a piece of you when you read this that will want to jump out and say yes I know there is more to life than that. Well there just has to be in my opinion and the only way I feel you can get close to fulfilling that little voice saying that is by becoming more in tune with your mind. I know it sounds all hippy like but I really mean it. Try meditation and it will change your life. You have to commit to it though and realise that you are a vessel that may well be a representation of something greater not some man in the clouds or a godly being but something our minds can't comprehend. Something scientific beyond science at the moment. Meditating may sound crazy I know, but please try it out before the judgement.

The fact is that anything is possible. Great, great minds are trying to understand the galaxy constantly and they will agree with me when I say that anything can be true. So please don't buy into any of this nonsense nowadays that promotes elitism throughout the planet. We have emotions, we can think for ourselves and so let us use that ability to realise that what we are spoon fed everyday in the media and from those elites that life is only about having more commodities is not true. Politicians are the mouthpiece of the elite that exists and controls the world. Hatred isn't brought into the world by any new born baby. We aren't born with hate of others for the colour of their skin or other similar traits like that. Politics shouldn't be about self service or servicing a rich few, it should be an extension in showing that we are all in it together and that everyone deserves to be shown respect. It should be used to promote spiritual values and educate tolerance in my eyes. They should make sure the people are looked after without any agendas and to look after the planet and align policies to suit the needs of the people. Once you develop yourself on a more spiritual level then you begin to see this. You can't measure yourself as a person from any outward factors you see, it has to all come internally and the realisation that you should not label yourself as anything and live your life based on how you would like to be treated.

I would describe myself lately as having become more spiritual as I focus on more on reading about the stars and I think that away from all the things that are made to convince us to be something out of an Armani advert we have forgotten how simple our existence used to be. How many of you have ever tried meditation? It is funny for me to think about as having A.D.D I used to be bouncing around the classroom, and now I am actually promoting meditation, but it has massively helped me. It has made me a better person and for anyone reading this that is looking to fill a void or become a more rounded happy person then I would actually just ask you to try it and not to just give up after the first couple of attempts. Your mind is your most valuable possession and a key to a happy life for me is to get your mind to work for you and not the other way around. Being spiritual for me is very simple, it is simply about realising that the earth is a beautiful natural place and it is about being a good person to everyone because we are all made exactly the same way and we are literally all in this place together. There is something great about realising that there is more to life than what you are led to believe in the media or in advertising, and that you are not able to understand why you were created so why not just get more in touch with your mind and see you may well be the extension of something far greater beyond understanding. Not a god in my opinion but something science has yet to identify but that eventually will become explainable as we advance further I'm sure. I swear to you now it is one of the most exhilarating and powerful feelings to know that the world can actually be a better place for you. We know atoms and matter exist but there are things our minds simply can't comprehend in the universe. Our brains haven't developed an understanding of it yet.

Remember with the brain you experience what you think about most. If you don't believe me then sit and watch a hypochondriac see a new illness on the news and then convince themselves they either have it or that they will have it. I know because I have been there before when I was younger. On average the human brain has about 60,000 thoughts a day. Those thoughts are usually thoughts that have been swimming around before. It can be thoughts of self doubt, fear or negativity and because the brain can't always differentiate between imagination and reality then we can get into a bit of a downward spiral. Training your brain to think in a more positive thought process is something that can be done. I mean if you can think negatively about something and those thoughts can manifest then you can think positively too to let those thoughts become more prominent so that you in turn can become happier. In order to then prevail over the negative thoughts try to think off shutting of your mind. This is why I encourage meditation. It stops you from thinking and switches your mind off an you feel great afterwards. You can use this to gain the control back over your mind and that means far less stress and far less anxiety. When you focus your thoughts on what you desire then you have the ability to change your brain. I am not writing this to preach just trying to show you that it can help.

 What makes me tick is that I want to try and make the world a better place and to help and encourage others to realise they can do the same. At the moment through a lot of reading and experiences I have found that the world is geared up to suit only a small few in power and that the rest of us are all in their vision for the world at the moment. I keep harping on about this because it to me, is something a lot of people find hard to accept. It doesn't have to be like that any longer for any of you reading this. Once you switch your mind into a more positive frame of mind, it doesn't matter that you still live in the parameters of the brutal exploitive world that is the modern day. You can still make a difference to peoples lives and encourage them to do the same through sharing positive thoughts and exposing sad truths about inequality. You can lead by example and show that happiness isn't valued in material goods. You can do your bit to raise awareness for just causes. Who cares if someone you used to know at school finds that weird on Facebook. Do it for what you believe in and do it everyday in the name of making this place we have to share for our whole life a better society. When you start to stress about any misgivings you think you have then take a step back and work on quieting your mind through meditating. It's not rocket science and it does work. It can work for anybody I am living proof of that. Yes sometimes I forget to do it, or I ignore doing it, but when I don't I am the most unhappy.

I think that by becoming more spiritual (by spiritual I mean the way I define the word in my head), then it can lead to you living a more happy life and it can replace certain urges or bad unhealthy habits that we can get involved in. I am not preaching I am just sharing with you something that has allowed me to develop as a person and become more comfortable in my own skin. I implore all of you to try it and I can promise you that it will make you more at ease. Once you are able to tame your mind and improve on yourself you can then start to make an impact on the world. Let me encourage you to do so by spreading a healthy message to anyone you meet to encourage that happiness can be achieved through spirituality, and by controlling your mind to tune into the fabric of existence, cutting out the negative chatter. You don't need a new BMW to be happy in life. You need control of your mind and a care of others and that can be done through meditation. Go on try it.


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