Firstly, before I say what I have to say, I would like to pass my condolences on to the families of the victims at Charlie Hebdo and in Paris after recent events.
Over the last few days I've felt like my head is going to explode. If ever there was a place to despair at the human race other than in Paris recently, it is on social media. The tragedy in Paris has divided many people and passionately. I found myself uncharacteristically arguing with someone over twitter yesterday in a vain attempt just to show the individual that there was maybe more to the world than the way he viewed it. He kept sending me articles from paper after paper to cement his view and prove it was the only one worth the time of day. This is one of the problems with Planet Earth though. The fact that for some strange reason people take whatever the media say as the divine truth. Why? Do they not realize that most of the mainstream media is privately owned. Obviously they don't or chose to ignore it because it taps into their fears. I've touched on it before

Anyway, the reason that I link the mainstream media in to this horrific killing spree is because everything that we are being reported about what happened at Charlie Hebdo is from a media source. We have relied on media outlets to fill us in on events. Now not for one second am I trying to say that this didn't take place or anything like that, but I always question the manner in which things are reported. The emotive language used. The way it has painted Charlie Hebdo for example. The way that we are to accept that the terrorists were solely acting to kill free speech after Muhammad was ridiculed. The media put a spin on things. They don't give any other ideas to the story because blaming Islam and all Muslims will suit Rupert Murdoch and co. I mean the guy literally blamed Islam on twitter for what happened, so anything from the Sun to Fox news are guaranteed to say the same. Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book.
Now before you talk of me as some sort of conspiracy theorist, I want to explain my thinking. The terrorists responsible have claimed that the shootings were done avenging the prophet Muhammad, but I feel there is more to it than that. The actual perpetrators who pulled the trigger probably did think they were avenging the prophet, but is it so crazy to think that those who planted the seed in the head's of these animals, may well have thought about the bigger picture and what it would achieve for them. Are we assuming that those heading up these terrorist factions are nothing more than mindless killers? I'm asking you to think outside the box at their motives. If we are assuming that these extremists are acting purely in the name of Islam and nothing else then clearly it is in the name of a very different Islam to that of the 1.6 billion or so that follow the Qu'ran. I have a Muslim next door neighbour. I find it pretty insane that he along with his wife, and two very young sons, should have some sort of responsibility to speak out more than anyone else in the World against the actions. They didn't know these monsters and they sure as hell aren't in agreement with what they have done.
This brings me precisely to my point. I believe these extremist leaders have actually achieved exactly what they wanted to do after the killings in Paris. They have successfully created further divisions between all those that follow Islam and all those who do not. Why does that make a difference? Well I'll give you one reason. Alienation. I ask you to think about the innocent Muslims who are sickened by the attacks who right now are probably looking over their shoulder or second guessing every look they now get from anyone outside of their faith. The feeling of being left out, being isolated, treated differently will always have an unbelievable psychological effect on a human being. I mean it would be unbelievably naive to think that the people controlling ISIS or Al Qaeda don't realise the media have an anti Islamic agenda. If anyone is still saying out loud that what I am saying doesn't make sense once again I say look at who controls the media and who makes money from the invasions of countries in the middle East. The two share a fruitful marriage! Fox news claimed Birmingham was purely a muslim city earlier today. It was called a no go area. You couldn't make it up (
click here to see for yourself).

These extremist leaders know that by claiming these attacks were in the name of Islam, to avenge the prophet, that the media would use that too. They know they would be all to happy telling how free speech had been battered in. A majority of people on social media hadn't heard much about the cartoons of Charlie Hebdo outside of France, but all of a sudden profile pictures everywhere are of the sketches produced. These people have missed the point entirely and like I keep saying aren't thinking deeper into it. Also, the cartoons are offensive to certain members of society and in MY opinion, I feel with the right of free speech comes the responsibility to not incite prejudice, racism or discrimination. You don't need to know much of Charlie Hebdo to realise they have hurt people in the past with their satire. Whether you think people should be able to take it or not doesn't stop the fact that a lot of people haven't been able to take it well. A lot of peaceful, good people. So my point is if you didn't support them before the shootings it's surely insulting to support them in death, no? If you didn't bother to take an interest and defend them before when they were getting death threats from all walks of life, don't suddenly now. Yes, Charlie Hebdo ridiculed most religions and races. I am aware of that, but we all know had a white Christian committed the murders in the name of Jesus, he would just be called crazy, and we would be looking into every link that could connect his motives to something bigger or explainable - like a history of mental illness for example. These terrorists leaders may not directly always need to hand pick targets for their followers to blow up but they sure as hell know how the acts of terror will be reported and looked upon. The creation of local terrorists are the newest weapon of mass destruction.
It is an utter tragedy that people lost their lives in the manner they did and I am extremely sorry once more but remember every time you post a cartoon of Charlie Hebdo's you may well be causing a lot of hurt to someone who had zero to do with anything that has happened in Paris. When you start to post "Je suis Charlie" on your Facebook or twitter where in the future would you draw the line. What if the BNP's building was blown up for making a racist joke, would we all use their logo in the same way. Just a thought and an example of what I was referring to about a responsibility over free speech. Also lets not forget free speech is allowed depending on what it is about. They don't allow pro Palestine marches in Paris any longer and in Britain you'll find plenty of examples of arrests in Parliament square for expressing your views! Why don't we all go crazy about that?
It is clear that the Western media all stands shoulder to shoulder at the moment,
but not to long ago I was in America and there was a campaign to rename French fries, freedom fries because France had refused to jump straight into the war on terror. The media will do anything to cause a division. I'm sure little has been made about the Muslim saving civilians lately in the Kosher supermarket. It wouldn't suit the agenda to spread that news but then again some people probably think the lad should have stood up and denounced his religion to the killers before he did anything else. Crazy world. The thing that I cannot get my head around is that when you try to encourage people to look into the reasons as to why these murdering lunatics spiraled so dramatically into terrorism you are called an apologist. Baffling. Nobody in Government is talking about sitting down with all the communities of our society to work out ways to help people to integrate better (which is a responsibility of everyone) and none of our Western heads of government would dare try to say that the war on terror may have a huge, huge factor in the rise in terrorist groups like ISIS. The facts are on the table about it as well that is the worst part.

These guys were beasts, ISIS are scum, AL Qaeda are scum as are all extremists but so are the corporate media and they are very much as big a threat to the peaceful people of earth. Ironically both thrive on fear to survive and both use each other to further their motives! No they are not in cahoots. I'm not saying that to make this extremely clear, but they both have agendas that at this moment in time are working very well for each other. Extremists want further wars and violence and so do the media. Wake up to it!! The only solution is to try and drip feed awareness of these kind of things and to really extend the love out to those who are feeling alienated because we are the only hope the world has. United we are stronger. There will never be peace asking differing groups/races/religions to apologize or take responsibility for something the majority have no affiliation with.