I have to make it clear, I'm not sure how to go about the art of blogging. I am new to this, but I have been moved to smash away on my laptop keys after the recent Scottish Independence referendum. I really feel I need a vehicle to express my frustrations at the genuine injustices that take place. I have to stress this blog will be used as a way to convey MY personal point of view and to share ideas and thoughts from those of a similar persuasion to hopefully influence deeper thinking.

Obviously as is probably clear to tell so far, I was a yes voter. I was genuinely heartbroken at the result. However, some positives can be taken to slightly console me. Without the Scottish referendum, I may never have felt the real need to delve into the reasoning behind why Messrs Cameron, Clegg and Milliband were so desperate to keep a union that came within 10% of breaking and the realisation that the World is ruled by a small elite. One of the main factors influencing my decision to vote for the first time for anything and for yes was the despair at watching my country being dragged into war and a lack of representation. Devolution of power back to the people is always going to surely benefit my fellow countrymen and we would have been further and fairer represented. Of course Scotland wouldn't suddenly transform into a utopia but it would surely have been better than now - Food banks, back tracking on vows and further cuts and well, oh yeah 100,000 odd children still in poverty (that's for another blog)! That is up for debate, but what surely isn't is the stern truth that we would still have a huge amount of work to do to cement that people are the priority not profit.
Once you start to look into the reasoning behind why things are the way they are then you cannot stop in the quest for knowledge. Why in a society, and a world where there is enough wealth to go around, do so many still suffer and remain helpless?! Independence away from Westminster isn't the answer it is just the beginning, so we need to really push for change and unite as a people. What is clear is that it is Westminster that we need to rid ourselves from, not the people of England. Indeed it is my thought process that all people of the earth are one. I would love to dream this split from corrupt governance would set of a chain reaction in places to push for the same. Then it becomes bigger than Scotland. In my opinion though, the idea of nations needs to be looked further into, really something I would like to share my views on later. We are all children of the Earth.
Hopefully with my posts (if anyone reads them) it will help to give others a little nudge in the right direction in the quest for answers to why there is such inequality in the world. Questioning things and raising awareness are the first steps before action can be taken. Politics are dirty, most know that but how does that affect you? Think of examples as to when an injustice has happened on a smaller scale to you. Why me? Well that is the easiest question in the world to ask in my opinion. The hardest thing in the world to do is to say why them. That is the question power structures based on self service, don't want you to look into because when you do things start to unravel. You then can't ignore injustices because it starts to make no sense to you. The question then changes when you realise there is no representation for those people. So who will stick up for these people. Ask then Why NOT me?
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