A famous role model of mine once said, "If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people that are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing!" The legend that spoke this haunting truth was of course Malcolm X. What Malcolm X referred to back in 60's America, still very much rings true to this very day. Mainstream media bias is something that greatly affects the masses who believe most of what they read in the papers and see on the news. Thankfully most of the people living in Britain are aware that a lot of the tabloids are full of nonsense but many have yet to still see through the devious tricks of the BBC for example. The BBC bias to me, was highlighted during the Scottish Independence referendum back in September but issues such as the conflict in Gaza are also painted in a different light to the actual goings on. Why is this the case? Why do the government and the media enjoy such a marriage? Well it is very simple. It all comes down to money.
Due to the path I am on at the moment and the reading that I do for the posts I write for this blog, I am constantly being made aware of new stories that crazily enough never make it into the news. I came across a crazy story from a very respected German journalist that should be making much more news than it got. Udo Ulfkotte's the journalist I refer to, has a story that is just the tip of the iceberg on what exists behind closed doors. He discusses how the CIA drafted up a lie on how Colonel Gadaffi had chemical weapons factories in Libya. They wanted the story published and asked Udo to do this under his name to gain credibility. He claims to have never seen any evidence of the particular allegations the CIA put forward but he signed off the story anyway because he didn't want to lose his job at the time and he had seen that happen before to colleagues. Recently he has decided to try and come forward about it and has had his home searched 6 separate times and he claims because he doesn't have a family, he no longer cares about repercussions. Sad indictment of the times. How many other articles have the CIA had involvement in you wonder.

Rupert Murdoch is the perfect example of this point. The guy literally ran a paper that hacked into the phone of a dead little girl, so we know what lows Murdoch will go to for a bit of brainwashing. Yet, he is still allowed to run tabloids like the Sun which unfortunately influences some public opinion. I mean if you believe the Sun, a disease on society which callously blamed Liverpool fans for the Hillsborough disaster, then you need to look in a mirror (not the tabloid that's nearly as bad)! Fox news, which runs in America has their strings pulled by Rupert Murdoch and he actually is able to reach into the homes of millions and millions by using this propaganda to push his agenda. Now if any of you have read any of what I've posted before you will know my hatred of war. Well Murdoch blatantly hasn't been singing from my hymn sheet. Fox news is also a major denier of global warming. Why would they be for supporters of Israeli genocide, the war on terror and so against Global Warming in their programming I wonder. Ah you see, Rupert Murdoch is a major share holder in a company called Genie Energy (which also has interests in Israel and the USA). That has never been disclosed on FOX. Surely this is unethical?? Rupert Murdoch has a vested interest in war as he is a major shareholder in Genie Energy and through that company he will make a huge financial gain through the extracting of oil in the middle east. As long as it is safely occupied by Western troops and parts of it answer to the West I must add. He would also obviously not want to be promoting global warming as a problem. If the world all realized how bad an issue climate change is, that would cost his energy company huge money. He has fingers in a few more pies than the one I am highlighting, but exposing all of Rupert Murdoch's failings can be someone else's harrowing task. I merely want to show how the mainstream media always has an agenda.

These agendas are killing humanity but it can change. As I mentioned before the Sun were shown up to be the real abhorrent scribe they really are (picture above) after lying blatantly about the Liverpool fans involvement in the death of their own. This is a great example of a community unifying to boycott this garbage. It shows it can be done, the Scouser's have laid the foundations here. The thing is, so would more communities if the lies were exposed in these papers and news shows, but it is just very difficult to push people to look for the truth. If they did then a boycott of the Sun and these organisations that run this sort of filth, could be worldwide.
How about the fact that Tony Blair, who it has been revealed has made millions out of the Iraq war, isn't actually grilled by any mainstream media outlet when they interview him? On the other hand a guy like Russell Brand gets utterly slated for daring to mention inequality. He also mentioned tax avoidance and Murdoch's involvement in those legal schemes which sickeningly allows him to not pay his huge share of tax he otherwise would have to. It's legal but Murdoch certainly doesn't want chat of it, so Brand took the hit in the press for daring to utter the notion that types like old Rupert be more accountable. Talking of accountability, has a news channel ever gone to Tony Blair's mansion and said to him (after he has called for boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq again), "why don't you go because you seem to have such a thirst for it?" Or even just simply ask "You know that oil company you've invested in? Won't you make a bit of a fortune if they get access to the oil in a war torn middle east?" Don't count on those difficult questions being asked to types like Blair or our newest war monger Cameron, because they ensure big business are kept sweet when they are in power. What about the bloody CIA reports circulating about the torture they were dishing out to terror suspects in Guantanamo bay? Well so far some of the media have actually been able to turn this around and get people to think that this was some how justified because it kept America safe! Luckily not all the media went this way but there were actually plenty of ridiculous tabloids that barely mentioned it. Unreal stuff folks.
How about the fact that Tony Blair, who it has been revealed has made millions out of the Iraq war, isn't actually grilled by any mainstream media outlet when they interview him? On the other hand a guy like Russell Brand gets utterly slated for daring to mention inequality. He also mentioned tax avoidance and Murdoch's involvement in those legal schemes which sickeningly allows him to not pay his huge share of tax he otherwise would have to. It's legal but Murdoch certainly doesn't want chat of it, so Brand took the hit in the press for daring to utter the notion that types like old Rupert be more accountable. Talking of accountability, has a news channel ever gone to Tony Blair's mansion and said to him (after he has called for boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq again), "why don't you go because you seem to have such a thirst for it?" Or even just simply ask "You know that oil company you've invested in? Won't you make a bit of a fortune if they get access to the oil in a war torn middle east?" Don't count on those difficult questions being asked to types like Blair or our newest war monger Cameron, because they ensure big business are kept sweet when they are in power. What about the bloody CIA reports circulating about the torture they were dishing out to terror suspects in Guantanamo bay? Well so far some of the media have actually been able to turn this around and get people to think that this was some how justified because it kept America safe! Luckily not all the media went this way but there were actually plenty of ridiculous tabloids that barely mentioned it. Unreal stuff folks.