Guest post by CP.

All media represents certain interests, especially the corporate media, mainly financial and political, and the narratives and information used supports those interests with the aim of getting society to adopt the same view. This doesn't mean all media is bullshit and you shouldn't watch, read or listen to it, but just consider what information you're getting and why. Politics, media and corporations have a dirty threesome that the internet and free media have exposed, spread the word.
Nationalism and patriotism is the biggest propaganda trick used to control masses of people. Nothing wrong with loving where you're from geographically, such as loving the beauty of Scotland, but socially all it does is create divisions between people, fuelling societies ignorance and indifference to how the world works. Corporations are basically money and power, and money and power have always controlled everything, politics and media is simply the modern way of controlling the masses. Throughout history brute force was always used but that method became obsolete, like the ants versus the grasshoppers, massed unity can't be physically controlled, so we moved to psychological control. All we know of the world comes through media, and media that is married to politics and corporations only promotes a way of thinking that people in power want. They want us to be talking about politics, financial markets, sport, x factor, celebrity gossip. They don't want us knowing about or being interested in the policies and decisions made that truly control how our world operates. E.g TTIP, corporate lobbying, corporate lawsuits. You will never hear about that stuff on mainstream media because if society actually began to care about these things it would lead mass unity again, which can't be controlled. Social divisions are key to controlling masses and media and politics promotes these divisions. See the world as one and have love and good will for everyone equally.
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